the vineyard – a table runner for fall

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The Sewvivor challenge hosted on the family ever after blog totally fuels my creativity. I love seeing the different interpretations of the challenge every other week. Some of them are so unexpected! I love those kind of competitions, fashion shows on TV kind of compare and to some degree it’s like what we do in my architecture course at university. There’s a particular task describing what kind of building is needed and then we start and our respective creativity produces wildly individual concepts. Love it!

Anyways, there’s the option to sew along with Sewvivor, whilst the remaining 5 contestants are working on the real deal. I thought to hop on the train with the current Hexie challenge. I’ve been meaning to make another modern hexies project at any rate – something small that would not lead to a world map again.

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If you follow along at Instagram, you might have seen what I’ve been up to. I made a fall colour themed table runner for our living room. I started with a piece of fabric leftover from hemming the curtains when we first moved in. This became the background for the table-runner. I wanted the texture to really pop, so I cut down the contrast between appliquéd hexies and the background by choosing colours that kind of blend in.

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The backing is another piece of curtain (yes seriously!) and doesn’t really work with the front. I just wanted to use up my stupid home decor scraps while I was at it. For the binding I went with a scrappy look using the three fabrics I had used for the hexies.

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The colours paired with the hexagon arrangement reminded me of the grape-vine in autumn, so it was simply named “The Vineyard”. I usually love when fall hits in September, but with the awful summer we had in Germany, I’m a little sad it won’t get any warmer from here on. Still, I look forward to slowly transition from white wine spritzers to velvety red wine in the evenings.

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I wrote a bit about what I learned using this technique here and you can read the full tutorial by Nicole on Modern Handcraft. You can download my hexagon template for your cutting pleasure (hexagon size little under 1 inch)


this post is linked up with Crazy Mom Quilts,
NTT at My Quilt Infatuation, WIP at Freshly Pieced,
Monday Makers at Aylin Nilya / Quilt It Out
Sew Cute Tuesday at Blossom Heart Quilts
Anything Goes Monday at Stitch by Stitch
and TGIFF at Quilt Matters


Add Yours
  1. France

    This table runner is gorgeous! I love how you mixed the colors. These are the fall colors we like but in a fresher tone. Perfect to brighten a room during a fall rainy day!

  2. mudpiesandpins

    Really stunning and defintiely fitting for these autumnal days – it might not be warm but hopefully there will be plenty of sun filled days nonetheless.

  3. Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty

    This is lovely — and what a good idea to use home-dec scraps for the back. I’m usually at a loss about what to do with extra bits of home-dec, although I recently used fabric meant to line curtains as interlining in some totes. If you have other creative uses to use non-quilting-cotton fabric, I’d love to hear them!

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